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Citizenship Services

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Second Citizenship Crucial Amidst Uncertain Times

Having a second citizenship is so important in an ever-evolving globalized environment. It’s a prime way of investing in a safe zone should volatile situations arise. Already faced with a crippling COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people across the globe are now trapped in distressing situations that erase their peace of mind and safety. In times like these, a second citizenship becomes crucial.

Reasons people choose a second citizenship

People seeking a second citizenship do so because the following conditions exist in their home country:

  • Political instability
  • War
  • Lack of education and career opportunities
  • Lack of freedom of movement
  • No security for the family
  • Poor business stability
  • Lack of retirement plans
  • Lack of equal rights independent of gender or race
  • Lack of clean environment
  • Freedom of speech and self-expression.
  • Inability to travel freely with their native passport

In a largely unpredictable world, one can never tell when the next disruption might occur. Which is why investing in a second citizenship becomes crucial. Moreover, being the holder of a second passport does not only offer the freedom of unrestrained travel, but also peace of mind. 

Under Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme, non-nationals from across the globe can gain a second citizenship by investing in one of the five attractive options currently being offered. 

Options under Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme are as follows:

1. The Government Bond Investment option. These bonds are non-interest bearing, and must be registered and remain in the applicant’s name for a five-year holding period from the date of first issue. This option requires:

  • A minimum investment of US$500,000.00 and must be held for five years. 
  • A combined investment of US$535,000.00 if the applicant’s spouse is also participating in the programme, 
  • A combined investment of US$550,000.00 if two spouses and two dependents are participating in the programme. For any additional dependent, the cost for each applicant is US$25,000.00.

2. The COVID-19 Bond Relief option. This option is especially attractive for families, is low-risk, and offers a more favourable long-term value proposition. A minimum investment of US$250,000.00 must be made. The option lasts until December 31, 2021, having been extended by another year last December. The terms are as follows:

  • Single applicant: A minimum US$250,000.00 -- (five-year holding bond).
  • Applicant plus 1 qualifying dependent: US$250,000.00 -- (six-year holding bond). 
  • Applicant plus up to 4 qualifying dependents: US$250,000.00 -- (seven-year holding bond).
  • Applicant plus up to 4 qualifying dependents: US$300,000.00 -- (five-year holding bond).
  • Each additional qualifying dependent (subsequent to applicant plus 4 qualifying dependents): US$15,000.00 each.

3. The National Economic Fund Investment option. A minimum investment of US$100,000.00 is required. 

4. The Real Estate Investment option. A minimum investment of US$300,000.00 is required. 

5. The Enterprise Investment option. A minimum investment of US$3,500,000.00. is required.

Since its introduction in 2015, the Programme has been gaining momentum by attracting people from across the world seeking second citizenship. To date, nearly 600 people have acquired second citizenship in Saint Lucia. They hail from countries such as China, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Russia, Pakistan Indonesia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United States of America, and United Arab Emirates.

So what are the benefits of having second citizenship in Saint Lucia?

  • Become a regional citizen: By becoming a citizen of Saint Lucia, you also become a citizen of the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and 11-member Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) blocs. 
  • Gender equality: Under Saint Lucia’s laws, equality is a basic human right to every citizen, regardless of gender.
  • Political stability: Saint Lucia has over the years enjoyed political stability.
  • Visa-free travel: This dual citizenship also allows you visa-free travel or visa-on-arrival to more than 146 countries, including the European Union Shengen countries, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom. Depending on where you’re from originally, your passport might only allow you to visit a minimal number of countries. A Saint Lucian passport, however, solves that problem by allowing you to go farther across the globe. 
  • Similar rights: With your Saint Lucian citizenship, you also acquire similar rights with native-born Saint Lucians, including the right to pass on citizenship to family members and the right to vote!
  • Own property: Dual citizenship allows you to own properties in either country. With a robust real estate market offering myriad of options available on the island, you’re guaranteed to find a piece of paradise in Saint Lucia that will become your home away from home and starting a business.

Not just dollars and cents, but common sense… 

According to Nestor Alfred, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CIP Saint Lucia, buying into Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme is more than just dollars and cents – it’s also about common sense.

We do not offer a commodity, we offer high value proposition, high value investment…and we ensure that return on that investment made by applicants are sustainable and they offer high return,” Alfred said.

Through a second citizenship, you get the opportunity to diversify your investment opportunities and political views in a millennium that demands having options. For this reason, many countries across the globe are making it easier for the right people to obtain second citizenship.

Why choose McNamara Citizenship Services Inc.?

If you’re thinking about having a second citizenship, investing in Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme is a great choice to make. You’ll also need a capable and authorized agent to help you along the way. You’ll need McNamara Citizenship Services Inc.

McNamara Citizenship Services Inc. offers a full-service advisory agency providing all the relevant services associated with your acquiring citizenship in Saint Lucia. We use our intimate knowledge of the Programme to guide you through every stage of obtaining your citizenship. We also take great pride in our excellence and professionalism that have resulted in great satisfaction from our many clients.

Contact McNamara Citizenship Services today and let us help earn the peace of mind you deserve.

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